Slate Documentation

Adding links to menus


The main navigation menu for Slate is generated by html-templates/includes/, but you should avoid overriding that file unless you want to make massive changes to its layout and contents. It’s best just to add links to the “Info” and “Tools” menus via the configurable paths that the default file accommodates.

Adding a single link to the Tools menu

Open your php-config/Slate.config.php file, or start with the default copy under _parent. Add a new line like the following to the end of the file. Write the label for the link within the single quote marks on the left side, and the corresponding URL within the single quote marks on the right side:

Slate::$webTools['Naviance'] = '';

Adding a group of links to the Tools menu

To add a group of links within a submenu to the tools menu, follow the same procedure as above but use this syntax, where District Tools is the name of the group, and Calendar is one of the sub-items:

Slate::$webTools['District Tools'] = array(
    'Calendar'                  => '/calendar',
    'Complaint Form'            => '/forms/complaint',
    'Reduced Lunch Application' => '/free-reduced-lunch'

Add a page to the Info menu

The Info menu is populated by pages created using Slate’s user-accessible content management system. Pages can be browsed and created at /pages (available in the menu at Tools → Manage Slate → Pages.) These pages can be added to the Info menu by adding the tag “Site Info” from within the page editor.

The "Site Info" tag used in a page